Echo Canyon, Utah Territory.
The Utah War Journal
of Henry Ballard
edited by Steven L. Richardson
1857 of which I was a member
July 4 The militia ^ was called to perade the streets of S[alt]
Lake City I engaged with them in the celebration of th[e]
Independence of America. General Daniel H Wells sai[d]
turned the piphet with this people.
" 24 We held our celebration and Prest Brigham Youn[g]
and his councilors declared us a free people and
twelve and all Israel said Amen
" 29 A great light was seen in the Heavens which mad[e it?]
almost like day for a short time
Word had come to Prest Young that an army was co[ming]
against Utah through lying reports sent to Washin[gton]
by our enemies and the fails for Utah was stope[d?]
Sep 2 We where called out to get instructions to be ready [to]
take a campain East to meet the army, we ca[me?]
at the schoolhouse one night after we had been c[ ]
============ (top of page is missing, apparently cut off.)
[ ]lled with a company of 40 under the leader
[ ] Benion to go out to stop the army from entering
without giving their reasons for coming like a mob
we crissed the little mountain east and camped
[ "] 8 Nooned on east canyon creek and camped 5 mile up
Echo canyon
[ "] 9 Nooned near the head of it, when Bro's D H Wells,
John Taylor, Geo A Smith and a number of others
passed us, we all camped near together on Bear river
[" 1]0 Nooned on the Muddy & camped at Fort Bridger
[Oct]r 1 We where Caching up Wagons and Iron and other
things preparitory to burning the place when wisdom
would dictate, at sun down we where all called together
in an hollow square to receive orders from Bro Wells
20 of us was called to march toward the soilders camp
which was on Hams Fork we traveled 17 miles after dark
led by Milo Andrews we camped on Blacks fork
After dark J.D.T. McAister came with a large company
with an order for 10 of us to start out at once to go
[ov]er unto Hams fork Milo Andrews took his 10 and
[st]arted we arrived at the crossing about midnight
[w]here the soilders had crossed that day and gone on
up the fork about 4 miles, he left Bro Sudwicks and
myself to watch the crossing as Col Harney was expected
to come up to the camp some time before morning
the other 8 went up in the hills so they could see the camp
at day light, that night Lot Smith passed us on the
way down to Green river, which resulted in the burning
of a train of Wagons
Octr 3. We still remained at our post till noon when we
was released by J R Miller & Stephen Winegar, we then
went back to Blacks Fork, we then learned that the soil[ders]
had moved up the fork some farther
" 4 We started again for the soilders camp 40 of us led by
Orin Porter Rockwell, our plan was to drive off their
cattle so as to cripple them in their movements but after
8 of us making the attempt we found that all the
poor cattle was at the tail end of the camp which
covered about 8 miles up and down the river, so we
had to give it up, we then camped the remainder of the
night in a large hollow only about one mile from them
" 5 We started through the hills to get in above them
and passed a picket gaurd and then come over
in plain sight of the camp and watered our
horses and commenced burning grass only half a
mile from their camp O.P. Rockwell posted himself
so he could watch the camp and give us signals
they started after us about noon and we retreated
into the Mountains till toward evening when
we come back and got supper and commenced fireing
the grass again till it got too wet with dew to
burn any longer we then camped at the end of the fire
Oct. 6 In the morning we saw a Picket guard on the
hill above which had come there during the night
we again commenced our work of fireing till noon
when we heard their cannons fireing so we again
retreated 9 of us went into the mountains a long
way with O.P. Rockwell & Milo Andrews the others
only went a short distance to wait till we
came back, the 2 bretheren went untill they could
look down upon the camp and learned they
had been placeing their cannon so they could
protect their camp, but when they came back
one of our men (Reubin Miles) had taken sick
with the mountain fever hence we had to move
very slow by 2 men going one on each side to
hold him upon his horse and before we got
back to the fork it was so dark we could not find our
other part of the company and they had all
our provisions so we had to camp on the bottom
without any supper not knowing where to

find them
Oct 7 It was snowing very hard and the man very sick and
nothing in camp to eat I was sent to hunt up the lost
camp I went 5 miles up the creek and found them at
the end of the fire and 15 other men had come from
R.T. Burton's camp on Bear river, we finally all got together
and eat about all there was in the camp, and
started Milo Andrews off with an express and to get more
provisions, that night a deserter from the soilders camp
came into ours, and give us the news of their camp, he
felt pleased to find friends, diferant to what he expected
" 8 We started for the big Bend on Blacks fork got there
at sundown, Capt E Pugh with 10 men was left on the
fork to continue the burning of grass
" 9 Bro Sudwicks and myself crossed the river both on one
horse it mired down and we had to get off into the
mud and Ice and water as best we could, we was
going to hunt an old camp ground to see if we could
find any thing to eat but it was a failure, and I caught
a very bad cold, we sent the sick man and the Deserter
and 2 others into Bridger, as the soilders was again fireing
their cannon we moved to higher quarters, that night
the provisions came and we all felt very hungery for we
had, had nothing for over 2 days and several was sick,
myself with the number, we then got the news of Lot Smith
burning the Wagons ^52 and taking their teams
Oct. 10 We were covered with snow laying in our slim beds
on the ground and I very sick with mountain fever
they sent the sick and some with horses into Bridger
to recruit up a little
" 11 Joseph White that had got his horse burt and
was sick himself and a Brother Cooper also sick
was sent home I was still very sick but wanted to
stay thinking I should soon get over it, we went
up to Fort supply 12 miles south where there had
been a farm opened by our people mostly from Provo
" 12 News came that the soilders had moved some
more up Hams fork and that 30 men was to be
sent to their camp to reconoiter
" 13 All left Fort suply except 4 of us I was some better
but not able for duty, news came that O.P. Rockwell
had taken 600 head of cattle and Wm Hickmans
2 brothers had been taken prisoners; 9 more teamsters
from the camp and 15 of our boys came up in the
evening to our camp
" 14 I was helping to dig potatoes and burring [burying] them for
future use, in the evening Capt E. Pugh came up
and I went down to the Island Feild 3 miles and
joined his ten as they where my neighbors at home
" 15 Our 10 was called to Fort supply to do more work
" 16 We was treading out wheat and cleaning it
Octr 17 It snowed all night
" 18 Still snowing we built us some wickihups for shelter
" 19 Still very cold some more boys came in to rest
" 20 Snowed again, at noon we went to the Island feild
and volunteered into Lot Smiths company of 50 best
Horses with their owners expecting to go to Bear river
to head off the soilders that was still going up
Hams fork leading toward the former river, but
at sun down news came that the soilders was taking
the back track down the fork so we did not go
but others was keeping watch over their movements
" 21 In camp all day
" 22 Stephen Winegar & Willm Burrows of our ten, also
Milo Andrews and a company under him with
poor horses was sent home
" 23 In camp resting
" 24 We where again building Wickehups
" 25 At noon our ten was called out to go to the
Soilders camp lead by Thomas Abbot we went
to Bridger and then left there at sundown to go north
through the mountains to hunt Wm Maxwells
company to releive them we started with 3 days
rations, we came across a company after dark which
had come from General Wells camp on Bear river
going to Bridger with supplies, we come very ne[ar]
getting into trouble as neither one knew any
pass word to give and it was too dark to see any
thing but furtinatly one of our boys knew the
voice of one of their company which brought relief
we soon struck the muddy and followed down it
for some time to find a ford which was very
bad, we finally tried one place and all crossed
safe but one, that had our flour upon his horse
and as his horse began to climb up the opposite
bank his horses hind feet stuck fast in the
mud and the horse fell back wards upon his
rider and wetting him as well as our flour, we
could not travel very far because it was freezing
so hard and they [sic] young mans cloths was freezing
upon him so we had to stop and make a fire to
dry his cloths
Octr 26 Soon after day light we saw a smoke in the
distance and after we started we soon found the
company that we was hunting, they directed us
in the direction of where the soilders was, also pointed
out to us where the picket guard was the day
before, but could not see him then, but as we
went on in that direction we soon saw him as they
stated, we still went on and soon saw a man
riding a roan horse like he was coming from
the camp going to the guard, the camp was then about
2 miles off, we took the precausion and sent out one
man on each side taking the high ground to see if
any trap was laid for us James R Miller & Willis Lemmon
was the 2 selected, we stoped and got our guns
free from our saddles and capped them and then
started on the run scattered out, but
he soon led us toward a hollow where there was
about 40 men secreted about one ^half on foot and the
other mounted when some of us got within 150 yards
of them they raised and fired upon us I was the
third nearest to them, we each turned as fast as
we could making distance as fast as we could
but the bullets flew around us like hail
plowing in the dust and cutting off the sage brush
but through the blessings of the Lord none of
us was hit nor none of our horses nor was no sign
of any bullet in our clothing, they followed us for
some little distance slowly, after we got out of
their guns reach we got off our horses in plain
sight of them and tightened up our saddles
Wm Hill lost his hat, and my horse got lamed
by steping into a Badger hole which was very
plentiful where they attacted us also big sage
We returned to the Muddy for Water and halted
they sent Harvey Bliss the young man that fell with
his horse the night before, and myself with my
lame horse into Bridger with an express, we
got there about 8.P.M. and remained for the night
Octr 27 Went to Lots camp at the Island feild
" 28 In camp resting, Lot and some of his company
went to Green River after some cattle that had
been taken from a Mountaineer by the name
of Yeats which was said to be acting as a
spy for the soilders, he had been taken prisoner
2 of our boys came in with an express from the
soilders that they where still going down the fork
" 29 Our ten came in after dark from the camp
they will still going down slowly
" 30 In camp at our Wickehups at the island
" 31 News came that the soilders had now
reached the old Ford where they first crossed
Nov 1 Henry Skidmore and some other boys where
sent home with the cattle taken at Green River
" 2 We all left the Island feild also Fort Supply
and went down to Bridger Some was sent
out to watch the camp, and the rest of us
moved about one mile up Blacks fork above

Fort Bridger
Nov 3 Every thing was moved from the fort, and general
Wells and companies not out on duty moved up
Blacks fork about 5 miles, we built us some
wickehups with bark of trees and wheat grass, and
in a few hours after we had camped Bro Wells came
around and asked us if we had found them ready
built the snow soon came down upon us
" 4 In camp it was very cold, News came that our
boys had taken some more cattle, and the
soilders had moved 4 miles up Blacks fork
toward Bridger
" 5 Snow was about 6 inches deep and it was fast
day, and we fasted and held meeting
" 6 At sun down news came that our boys had taken
some more cattle, at midnight News came that
the soilders had moved to within 7 miles of
Bridger, about 20 of the best horses and men
where sent to Bridger and around the camp
to watch them, while the main body of our
camps moved toward Bear river on the Pioneer
trail it was still very stormy
" 7 About a foot of snow, at day light 20 of us
went to Bridger and gathered up the cattle out
of the Brush which had been taken the day before
and turned loose at night, when we had all got
them all gathered, the boys was just return
-ing from the soilders camp with Joseph Taylor
which had been taken prisoner by them some
time bofore, he stole away from them at sun
down the evening before, he felt well in
finding our boys, we went on to the Pioneer
ridge with the cattle, and camped in a hollow
north of the road and it was very cold, and
nearly froze before morning with little bedding
and the snow very deep and so cold
Nov 8 We traveled to Bear river and camped still snowing
and very cold, at night they selected the poorest
horses and poorest clothed men and sent them home
with the cattle to the valley
" 9 Traveled with the General's company to Echo cave & camped
" 10 We moved to a point 8 miles down Echo Canyon and
camped, one of Hickman's Brothers came into camp
he had been freed, his other Bro was freed some time
before, he heard the soilders saying in camp that
they would be in Salt Lake City in 8 days without
a shot being fired
" 11 We remained in camp and it was a terrible cold windy
day, we had been luckey enough to get a small tent
but we could scarcely keep it over our heads
and when we set a cup of water close by the little fire we
had Ice would freeze over it, 25 of the Best horses and
men were sent back to releive that number then on
guard near Bridger which was poorer clothed, they ware
to keep a close watch on the enemies camp
Nov 12 About 27 of our company was sent down to the
Brest works that had been built by our boys about
4 miles from the mouth of the canyon, the general
remained with 20 men up the canyon at Brown's station
" 13 It was thought best for us to send our horses and
saddles in as our horses was getting very thin and
it looked so stormy and others was coming out
with fresh horses also about 1300 men on foot
" 14 The news came that the soilders was still at the
same place a few miles out of Bridger
" 15 I went down to the Weber river and saw the Mill Creek
boys from my home and returned to the Brest works
" 16 We got released from J.D.T. McAlister's company which
we had been thrown into, and had the privilage of
going to Weber and joi[n]ing our own company from home
(Major Wm Casper)
" 17 We moved down, that is the 3 that was left of our ten
Namely Amos Neff, J.R. Miller and myself
" 18 Making Brest works on the Weber River close by

the road
Nov 20 Building Log Cabins. News came that the
soilders had ventured to take the ruins of Fort Bridger
after beseiging it all day and finding no one
there to oppose them, some also went up to Fort
Supply and captured that empty place, so now
they thought they had gained a great victory in
having what we was willing for them to have,
but if they had not been content with this
great acheifment and had persisted in making
any further encroachments they would of found
Mormons plenty on every hand to have annoyed
them, but up to this point they where allowed
to come without the fireing of a Gun, but not
so from that point on West, the Mormons would
not of given them any sleep day nor night
but the Lord designed to hold them there in the
snows till they would be willing to treat us like
we had some rights that they was bound to respect
" 21 We tried our batteries by going through a sham
fight, but if it had been real we would of felt a little Differant
" 22 In camp nothing doing for several days
" 27 Captain Killean and his company of Silver Grays
was sent home, as we now got word that the
Soilders was prepareing for Wintering at Bridger

and Fort Supply
28, 29 In camp looking for our release
Nov 30 News came that our release had come, at Dark my
first comrade Henry Sudwicks and Isaac Scott came
in from Bear river where they had been on Picket guard
Decr 1 We started home having to foot it which made us very
foot sore after being on horse back for the last 10 weeks
We started at 10 A.M. and tramped it to east canyon
creek a little east of Big Mountain taking us till
8 P.M. very tired traveling over the snow
" 2 We started at 3 A.M. and got over the Big Mountain
by sun rise, our company came down Parley's
canyon, and reached our homes in safety, feeling
very thankful to the Lord for his kind protection
over us as well as for our expeirance gained while
doing our duty in the defence of Zion
Jany 19 Prest Brigham Young called a general meeting
to lay plans to start a Paper currency in circleation
upon a safe foundation, also to apportion to each
ward the number of men required to make up
a standing army of 1000 men with 2 Horses or
Mules each to be ready at any time
Jany 27 Our Ward, Mill Creek was called upon to furnish
35 men with 60 Horses or Mules also 10 for a company
to O.P. Rockwell, we met and selected the name[s]
I was called as one for the Standing Army
Jany 30 We met at Union Fort and Organized the Battalion
Feb 13 Met at the new school house and selected the best
horses for the service
" 20 Met at the same place to receive further Instructions
and to be ready to start in 2 weeks
" 23 Was called out to muster
" 25 Col. Thomas L Kane came in from the States
by way of Calafornia in 40 days to visit Utah
also the army at Bridger to bring about peace
Mar 7 News came from Salmon river in the north
that some soilders had been up there and joining
with the Mountaineers had influenced the Indians
against us and killed 2 of our boys and wounded
others, and drove off all their cattle from there
" 21 Prest Young and his Bretheren counciled the people
to make ready to move South some where about the
white mountains, and some was to start in a few
days and those that had not been driven from their
homes was to start first
April 11 I was called with Henry Brown to start on the
morrow to Lost creek 10 miles below the mouth of Echo
to release Wm D Wimmer & John Miller in W Caspers Co
" 12 We started on foot and reached east Canyon creek
and camped, Cummings that was sent to be our
Govenor and TL Kane came in from Bridger
coming down the Weber going around by Ogden
April 13 We reached Lost creek with blistered feet and tired
" 14 The 2 Bretheren started, in the evening Ed Morgan
was taken very sick with cramp collick and continued
so through the night we had to watch and wait upon him
" 15 He was some better but had to be sent home, the most
to watch the canyon and build Batteries as the
soilders could make their way down that canyon
and avoid going down Echo canyon
" 16 In camp building Wickehups on short rations
" 17 Some more provisions came into camp
" 18 Sunday we held a meeting in camp
" 19 About 150 of our company went 4 miles
farther up the canyon and built some more
Batteries, in the after noon an express came
requesting us to return to the station at the
mouth of the canyon
" 20 We traved back to the station and 50 men
was detailed as a guard at the station and 25
more to go to Echo, the rest was released to
return home under W Casper, there was 10 Horse
men came to our camp which now made 60 of us
under Capt Alexander Burt and comisory John Van Cott
" 21 We had nothing but beef and Homoney to eat
April 22 Some more rations came into camp
" 23x24 in camp
" 25 Sunday held 2 meetings in camp. News came from
Echo that Powell and 15 Mountaineers was banding
together and stiling themselfs as teamsters from
the soilders, but their intent was to steal all
the Mormon horses they could get hold of
" 26 At sundown 2 Indians rode past our camp
at full speed and went down Weber canyon
" 27 We had a very heavy south wind
" 28 Got word that a relief gaurd would soon be sent
" 29 The friendly Indian Weber Tom with his squaw
came into our camp and staid all night
" 30 It was storming very hard, in the evening
15 of our Mill creek boys came out on horse
back to releive us
May 1 We started home riding the same horses back
we reached home again safe and found that
some of them moving Prest's Young & Kimball
with their famielies had moved to Provo Utah Co.
" 4 I started south with a load to look up a place
to move to I went as far as Santiquin Utah Co
and left my load there and returned home
my father had moved 5 load and left them at
Stephen Chipmans American fork Utah Co.
May 24 I got ready and we started Father & Mother, also
Bro James Bowkett and family, we took all our live
stock and in fact every thing leaving our houses
empty, only waiting to see if the soilders was
determined to come in we would set fire to our
homes and every dry thing that would burn
and leave it as much like a wilderness as we
had found it and we had made up our minds
for the worst, we traved 12 miles and camped on
Dry creek, we could not travel very far in a
day as we had to drive our pigs which was slow
" 25 We passed the point of the mountain into
Utah Co. and camped
" 26 We got as far as Battle creek, now Plesent Grove
" 27 Got part way over Provo Bench and camped
" 28 Our Pigs give out and we only got 2 miles
south of Provo City
" 29 We had to fix up our loads so we could load
up our Pigs and then traveled faster we reached
Pondtown Bottoms and got plenty of feed for the
first time since leaving home
" 30 Bro Bowketts Wagon wheel broke so we had to
borrow another one to get to Spring Creek here
was plenty of feed but no settlement Lorenzo Young
was camped one mile above the road
and Silas S Richards from Union Fort with
that Ward one mile below the road we went
down and camped with them to wait a while
to see what the word would be from head Quarters
May 31 We went to Santaquin and got the wheel mended
and brought back some lumber that we had left
there and built us a small shanty
June 1 We got some brush and built us a sheep pen
" 2 Went to the Mountains and got some ceader
to burn, and posts for our shanties
" 3 We was building our shanties
" 5 Bro Bowkett went home to see after our crops
" 6 News came that the Indians had killed 3 men
and one woman in Salt Creek Canyon goin to
Sanpete one man escaped
" 7 We moved closer together for self protection
as the Indians where stealing horses and cattle
in different places all around us and they stole
a little girl but was gotten away from them again
" 10 We was herding our cattle days and guarding them
nights, Bro Bowkett got back in the evening
a good many where apostatizeing from us
" 12 Prest Young and his Bretheren met with a peace
commission from the Army, and they wished to
come peaceably it was agreed to provided that
the army would go to some valley not less then
40 miles of Salt Lake City and molest no one
they gladly agreed to this and also pardoned by
the President of the United [States] for standing in our own
defence, hence the Lord fought our Battles
without the fireing of a gun
June 15 Bro Bowkett and myself started home to water
our crops at our homes
" 16 Got home found our house broken into and
some meat and other things stolen which we
was depending upon to eat, it was thought to
be Indians
" 17 Went to work upon the canal to get water as
it was rather scarce but the crops looked well
" 24 We started back, we heard that the soilders was
expected every day
" 25 We got back to our folks some of our cattle
had been sick and the feed was got very poor
the Grasshopper had come so bad and eaten
up so much of it
" 28 We heard that the soilders had passed through
Salt Lake City and we expected to soon go back
Bro Bowkutt left us and went to Springville
on account of the cattle taking sick and

dying so many of them
July 1. Prest Young sent word that all could have the
privilage of returning to their homes he had moved
a portion of his family, this was glad news to
all the saints, more especially to all those that
had left their homes, namely all those living
north of Utah County. I got tired of driving Pigs
and took them home first out of the way, I traveled
mostly nights as it was so dry and hot and dusty
and the feed was got so very poor with so much
travel over the road all summer
" 3 I got home again
" 4 I started back at sun down and traveled
all night while it was cool
" 6 I reached the camp found the folks all well
some of our camp had started home, each one
got home as fast as they could
" 7 We started home with our little stock and effects
we had with us, we traveled on the west
side of Utah Lake on account of the feed being
better and less dust we camped 3 miles below
Goshen settlement in good feed
" 8 We camped at an old herd house 20 miles below
Goshen on the bank of the Lake it was
a fine view
July 9 We passed the place where the soilders had camped
the night before on their road to ceader valley where
it had been decided that they could locate about
40 miles from the City, they named their camp (Floyd)
we crossed the Jordan river and got around the
point of the mountain to the warm springs and
camped but the feed was very poor
" 10 We arrived home safe, and very thankful to again
have a house to live in, knowing our troubles
had nothing of that pain and anguish that the Saints
had had to endure in the past for this was the
first time that the Saints had, had the privilage
of returning to any of their homes, the wheat
was ready for harvesting we was counciled to hold
on to our Breadstuffs, no Publick meetings was held
in any publick parts so as not to create any excitement
Prests Young and Kimball kept themselves in private
Commings our new Governor seemed to be very friendly
to our people
Aug 2 Election came off for the Officers of Utah, the Saints
gained the election
" 8 Some troops left for California, it was expected that
2 000 would be stationed here, Merchant & Government
trains where coming in every day, we held meetings in
our School house as it was off the main road, it was the

only place in the county
Sepr 5 Sunday it was thought wisdom to stop all meetings
13 650 more troops came in and camped a little east
of the City on their way to Camp Floyd, the Bretheren
would go to their camp and trade with them and work
for them, a very large Commett appeared in the west
with a very long tail to it, it revolved around the
north pole to the east, it got brighter for a while and
then got dimmer, it lasted for weeks very plain
" 25 I was taken sick with a very bad cold
Octr 6 Conference was held in the Tabernacle but not public
for all, only for the leading officers of the church
Prests Young & Kimball was not present, councilor
D.H. Wells and the Twelve attended, they met again
next day and the council was for all to keep 2 years
Provisions on hand, and those that neglected this council
that was able to do so would have to pay a high price
to buy back what they needed, also that nothing should
be said that Brigham or Heber had said thus and so
but every one must be responciple for their own
sayings as well as their own doings
" 16 We had quite a heavy snow storm which laid everything low
" 31 Sunday Prest Joseph Young came and preached in our
school house upon the subject of saving our Breadstuff
Nov 30 It was rumered about that a U.S. Teamster was around in
the Brush in secret supposed to be the murderer of Bro Preist
on Dry creek, a search was made for him, with out finding him
Dec 1 A very sever snow storm had prevailed through the night and
lasting all day blowing at a fearful rate from the east
many cattle where frose, and Bro Leaver a tailor from Salt Lake
he had come from camp Floyd on the stage to cottonwood when
he got off to go to the house of Thomas Bullock he fell in
a dry ditch filled with snow he was heard by some parties but
they thought it was stock and he laid there and froze to
death, also another man froze to death coming from the West
mountain canyon to Wm Hickmans house and several
others in different parts, it was said to be the coldest storm
for over 10 years in Utah
" 26 President of the United States James Buchanan sent a pardon
to all the Mormons for Burning their Wagons on the plains
also recommended a land office in the City, also prehemption
privelages to the inhabitants, it came from Washington
in 14 days, next day it was printed in a gentile paper
called the (valley tan) and 5 000 copies was printed and
sold at 25 cts each
1859 Jany 2 The Tabernacle in Salt Lake City was opened
to the public for the first time since our return from
the south, we still held our meetings in the ward, James
Jordan was disfellowshiped for making Wiskey contray
to council and justifying himself in so doing
Jany 16 He was again restored after making nesicesary

Jany 22 I went over to the Bishops house and settled my
Tithing, and on my road home my horse which was
a young one shyed off the road as I met 2 others coming in
an opposite direction, and in so doing it run unto the Ice
and fell on my leg and split off the ancle bone of my right
foot and badly bruised it which layed me up for some time
Feb 1. The teachers came and paid us a visit we had a good time
" 13 I went to meeting for the first time since I got hurt
Bishop Miller preached to us a good sermon upon the
Necesity of keeping on board the ship Zion, for it would bear
us through the storm all right
I got a letter from my 3 Brothers in England they did not
belong to the church nor no way faverable
" 20 I wrote a letter back to them
Mar 8 I attended a trial perfeered by Joseph Fielding for
damages against John Scotts stock
" 19 Still snowing every few days making very hard on stock
" 24 All the ward was called together to sign a Memorial to
the Govener also to congress to remove the Court from
the City of Provo, to the city of Fillmore as appointed
by law also to be held in Nov, instead of March which
was also contray to law, also to withdraw the troops
from in around Provo to camp Floyd, as the President
stated in his message to congress that Col Johnstone should
not locate any body of troops near to any thickly settlement
in the Teritory of Utah, and to make peace but instead they
where trying to do all they could to break the peace and
put the Govenor at defiance
Mar 25 Howard Spencer son of Orson was brought home to the City
from Rush valley, where he had been badly wounded by a
U.S. officer, a small body of soilders was camped in that
locality, and 16 of them with an Officer ordered Bro Spencer
to take his stock away from the ranch which his Uncle
and others had received a grant of the legeslatior, he
refused to comply with their request, they marched up
in file to where he was feeding his Stock some hay, the
officer, Sargent Pike commanded his men to take him, but
before they had time to do so, Pike raised his gun and struck
him over the head with the Breach of it, Bro Spencer
raised his pitch fork which he was feeding his stock with
over his head to save the blow and the handle broke in
2 peices one end striking him on the back of his head
and braking his skull so it had to be sawed to get it back
into its place, but it was then tought that he would recover
which he did after a good deal of care
" 30 It was snowing and had done so for 4 days in succession
April 3, Sunday Bishop R Miller spoke upon the subject of our
enemies coming against us in a national capacity, William
McGee was cut off for apostacy, that spirit was taking great
hold upon the people, in the evening we signed a Petition
Praying Bishop Brinton of the Cottonwood Ward to have
Wm Howard stop making Wiskey and selling it, or deal

with him accordingly for the salvation of Israel
April 6 The Annual conference commenced publicly the first
Presidents and several of the Twelve where present
H.C. Kimball said that the Apostates was more hurtful
in our midst then the Army, he said it had been
eleven months since he had spoken in that place
his urgent coucil was to save our breadstuff for time
of Famine for it would certinly come
" 7 John Taylor represented the Authorities of the church
and spoke of the union of this people in casting their
votes to sustain their leader, defying the world to
produce its equal, Prest Young spoke of the weakness
of mankind, and the exaltation of the Saints to the
diferent degrees of Glory
" 10 Sunday held a meeting in the new meeting house
in the lower part of the Ward for the purpose of
Blessing young children and Baptizing those of that
age, also took action against James Gordon for again
making Wiskey after he had promised to stop, but he said
that he did not promise that he would not commence
again and thus treated the Priesthood with contempt,
he had been droped by his Quorum in the city, and
this day cut off by the Ward for violation of his covenants
April 11, Had another cold snow storm which lasted for four days
" 16 Some where commencing plowing in some places where it
was dry enough teams where very poor
" 26 A company was called to march to the low mountains
to watch, the army threatened to come into Salt Lake City
and take Prest Young or fight, I was called among the rest
to go to the school house but the foot men was all released
they only needed horse men, so I was releived but could not
leave the Ward for a few days to see what may be wanted
as I was anticipating going to cache valley 90 miles North
May 2 I went and saw John A Smith one of the Bishops councilors
and asked him if I could not be released he told me I could
go at any time, so I got ready to start next day
" 3 I s[t]arted to Cache Valley Aaron Dewitt going with me
it was a new place with the exception of one small
settlement in the south end of the valley then known as
Maughans Fort, we took 2 yoak of Oxen and some young
Stock with plow and tools and seed and Breadstuff nearly
all belonging to me, we went 6 miles north of the City
and camped near the Brush by the mountains, it was
a very cold stormy night and little feed, and the
Stock all scattered we hunted for 10 hours on foot for
them and still 2 was missing, but we had to move
on or we would lik[e]ly loose them again, so we went
on to the north of Centerville
May 5 We took the upper road all the way as the roads
was very wet and heavy and feed poor and teams
very weak we camped 4 miles south of Weber Bridge
" 6 We crossed the Weber and Ogden toal bridges, the
streams was very high having such heavy snows in
the mountains, a very heavy thunder storm overtook
us between Ogden City and north Ogden on the
Bottoms and we had to camp there
" 7 We reached Brigham City Box Elder Co. and
staid there for the night
" 8 We learned that it was possible to go through
Box Elder Canyon so we started that way
but ours was the 3rd loaded wagon going
up that Spring, the roads was very bad we often got
stalled, we mired in Box Elder valley and broke our
Wagon tounge and then to unload some of our load
we then got out and took the fore part of the Wagon
and brought up the other part of our load and camped
on the top of the hill north of the little valley
" 9 We reached the south end of the valley 3 miles south
of Maughan's Fort and camped
" 10 We saw Bishop Peter Maughan who had the
directing of the new settlers and he advised us
to go in to Spring Creek (now Providence)
and locate there, the roads over this was very heavy
We camped on the bank of Blacksmiths fork near the
church farm which they had enclosed
May 11, We crossed this stream without any dificulty but it
looked very dangerous, we then went on to the Spring
creek settlement and thankful to get to some place to
rest and put in what seed we had for it was getting
late by this time
" 12 We looked around for land but here the settlers
told us it was all taken up, yet there was only abount
a dozen there at that
" 13 We had a terrible heavy Wind storm at night the most
of the next day so we could hardly keep our cover on the
Wagon, I hunted arround and found a peice of land
between two spring branches which I thought could be
easy to fence, also it was very easy to brake, yet not
so very rich, but it was easy to get the water down
onto from Spring creek by bringing it through an old
bed of the creek but some laughed at me for taking
it that way but I succeed alright
" 14 We commenced plowing
" 15 Heard that the big wind had blew down the
court house in Brigham City
" 18 We commenced sowing our wheat and garden seeds
for we where ancious to get the seed in the ground
May 23 It was showery all day and that night it thundered
and lightened and hailed very much, it done a great
deal of good as the land was already getting very dry
" 27 Bishop P Maughan came over and held a meeting
laying before us our condition, as the soilders had
been killing some Indians near Fort Bridger east
also a report that there was a camp of soilders
on the North of the valley and the Indians was
mad with all the whites, he thought we had better
move our camp over to the church farm where we
would be away from the willows so they could
not ambush us
" 28 We went to work and got out some bridge
timbers to build a bridge over Blacksmiths fork
" 29 Getting more bridge timber
" 30 We all moved over to the church farm, the settle[ment]
north of us at summit creek 10 miles north
(now Smithfield) they all moved to Maughans fort
June 2 I went to Logan with Some other Bretheren
to look at the country we found some good land
there, I expected to go some where before locateing
permanently but I thought it was the best
I could do to hurry and get my seed into the
ground some where so I could get seed for another
year without having to haul it so far
July 3 A letter of instructions from Prest Young was
read to us by Bishop Maughan for us to build
our houses before taking our famielies to our
farms exposed to the Indians
" 8 We had a fine showery day which done good
" 10 Sunday Bishop Maughan and Bro JG Willie
came and preached to us upon our every day duties
I got a letter from home the first I had heard
from there since I left
" 11 I went over to Maughans fort and answered my letter
" 15 I commenced moving my logs over to Logan
" 20 I moved to Logan altogether
" 21 I went up to Smithfield or then (Summit Creek)
6 miles north with John G Smith from Mill Creek
and Feleman Merrill and a number of others
and servayed some good land
" 22 Still survaying till evening then returned home
" 23 Aaron DeWitt and myself went to the mountains
on a Pick nick servise berring [serviceberrying] and on the road
home we where overtaken by a thunder storm
which made us wet through and every thing
we had in the Wagon at home was wet
" 24 Sunday we had quite a time drying our
June 7 I went to the settlement then Shumways now (Mendo[n)]
I found the land very good but the water very scarce
" 12 I went to Maughans fort to meeting had a good
time Bishop P Maughan spoke upon the cecesity of
obeying council, also repudiated the actions of some
wanting to get hold of so much land, in the afternoon
they took up a collection of flour for the Indians which
was camped close by the fort
" 13 We started to make a road into the canyon to
get out our house logs and poles
" 16 A number of Indians came and camped ne[ar]
by us very friendly
" 20 John H Clark and myself went over Logan
river to look again for some land, we had quite a
time getting over the river, we staid all night
" 21 We took a claim of 20 acres each, all that was allowe[d]
" 24 I went up Spring Creek Canyon with some others to
explore the road and timber
" 25 I went up the Canyon with Bro Lane where we
had made the road into, but every body
was afraid to go into it after it was made
we got a good load of house logs each, the first
that had been taken out, it was very
rough and rockey, next day the place was
crowded and continued so for many days
---Henry Ballard, Autobiography and Journal
MS 15087, copied by permission of the
Church History Library of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
To read a similar diary kept by Newton Tuttle, click here.
To read Henry Sanderson's account of these events, click here.
To read Hans Frederick Hansen's account of the Utah War, click here.
To learn more about the Hickmans in the Utah War, click here.
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